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Tips on how to gain weight

Tips on how to gain weight

Tips on how to gain weight


Tips on how to gain weight

Although being lean is considered healthy, being underweight is a serious concern due to poor health. We have read in the previous post about How to lose weight without exercise. But underweight people are searching for Tips on how to gain weight by consuming foods and exercising.

To gain weight, you want to use a healthy approach instead of consumption of fatty and sugary consumption. It would help if you focused on a nutritious diet, good lifestyle, proper sleep and less stress.

Causes of underweight

Several medical diseases, including diabetes, can result in harmful weight reduction, while some other causes are as below:

Eating disorders

Eating disorders

It involves anorexia nervosa, a severe mental illness which leads to eating disorders.

Thyroid problems

Thyroid problems

An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can increase metabolism, resulting in undesirable weight reduction Tips on how to gain weight.

Celiac disease

Celiac disease

Gluten sensitivity at its most extreme. Celiac illness has become more common in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries Tips on how to gain weight.



Uncontrolled diabetes (mainly type 1) can result in significant weight reduction Tips on how to gain weight.



Cancer may lead the body to enter a hypercatabolic condition, resulting in higher energy consumption. This could cause significant weight loss, although the severity and amount of weight loss depend on the kind of cancer and the patient’s age Tips on how to gain weight.


Certain infections might result in a person being dangerously underweight. Parasites, TB, and especially HIV infection are examples of this.


Foods to gain weight

Here are some Tips on how to gain weight which are further categorized into foods and exercises.



First, nuts such as walnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, and peanuts.


Dried Fruits


Secondly, raisins, peaches, dates, and other dried fruits.

Dried Fruits

Good Fats



Thirdly, dairy products with high-fat content, including full-fat yoghurt, whole milk, cheeses, and cream.

Good Fats

Use of oils


Fourthly, Super virgin olive oil with avocado oil are examples of fats and oils Tips on how to gain weight. 

Use of oils



Fifthly, grains, such as whole grains, chickpeas, oatmeal and brown rice Tips on how to gain weight.




Sixthly, meats including chicken, pork, beef, or lamb; high-fat cuts are also helpful in weight gain Tips on how to gain weight.




Seventhly, Potatoes, sweet potatoes, and especially yams are examples of tubers Tips on how to gain weight.


Miscellaneous food


Other high-energy meals include dark chocolates, peanut butter, avocados, cereal, coconut milk, and trail mixture Tips on how to gain weight.

Miscellaneous food

Exercise to gain weight

Exercise, particularly strength exercise, can allow you to gain weight by strengthening your muscles. Exercise might also increase your hunger Tips on how to gain weight. Here are some activities that will help you to gain weight;


  • Lie flat on the ground.
  • Bend your knees, then cross your arms over your chest.
  • Inhale profoundly and clench your abs.
  • Exhale and elevate your entire body while maintaining a relaxed neck and head.
  • Exhale and restore to your starting posture.
  • Repeat these steps.


  • To start, place your feet shoulder-width away.
  • Push your hips back (just like you are sitting on an invisible chair).
  • Try moving downward as far as possible and returning to your starting position.
  • Repeat these steps.


  • Maintain a straight posture.
  • Step forth with one foot until your leg forms a 90-degree angle.
  • Continue to lower yourself until your thigh is parallel to the floor.
  • Push back to return to your starting position.
  • Repeat the technique with the opposite leg.
  • Alternately repeat this procedure with both legs.


  • Sit on the floor with your hand slightly broader than your shoulders.
  • Push your body gently towards the floor until your arms are completely stretched.
  • Bring your body nearer to the floor till your chest almost touches it.
  • Return to your starting point.
  • Perform the exercise again.


  • Place your feet shoulder-width away.
  • Get into a squat posture with your fingers on the floor.
  • Put your hands on the floor. Place your pressure on your hands.
  • Push your legs in front, then drop your chest to the ground.
  • Return to a squat, substituting your hands with both feet.
  • Move straight up, resting shoulder-width apart.
  • Repeat the entire procedure.

Bench Dips

Bench Dips
  • A Bench is required for this activity.
  • Use your palms to grip the bench’s edges.
  • The palms must be facing down, with the fingertips towards the floor.
  • Stretch your legs ahead, waist-bent and perpendicular to your body.
  • Fold your elbows 90 degrees and push yourself downward to drop your buttocks.
  • Straighten your arms, then return to your starting posture.
  • Repeat the procedure.


  • Using your hands, grab the pull-up bar in whatever way you like.
  • Raise your body mass till your chin is just above the bar.
  • Bend your body until your arms are completely extended.
  • Repeat the practice.

Dead Lifts

Dead Lifts
  • Maintain a straight posture with your legs gently separated.
  • Turnover and hold the rail with a shoulder-width apart grip.
  • Fold your knees till your front leg (from knees to foot) contacts the bar.
  • Lift your chest to stretch your lower spine.
  • Take a deep breath and start standing up with the weight.
  • Make an effort to maintain the weight for several seconds.
  • Lower the weight.
  • Perform the exercise again.

Other Tips to Gain Weight

Frequent Eating

You can feel fuller sooner if you are underweight. Instead of two or three big meals, eat five to six smaller meals throughout the day Tips on how to gain weight.

Select nutrient-rich foods

Particular kinds of pasta, whole loaves of bread, and cereals as a component of a balanced diet, as well as dairy items, fruits and veggies, lean sources of protein, nuts and seeds Tips on how to gain weight.

Try smoothies and shakes

Avoid diet Coke, coffee, and other beverages with low calories and little nutritious value. Instead, make smoothies or nutritional shakes with milk plus frozen or fresh fruit, and top with powdered flax-seed. A liquid food substitution could be suggested in exceptional cases.

Watch when you drink

Several people discover that consuming fluids before meals reduce their hunger. Sipping higher caloric beverages alongside a meal or snack could be preferable in that situation. Others may benefit from drinking 30-minutes after one meal rather than during it Tips on how to gain weight.

Make every bite count

Consume nuts, cheese, peanut butter, dried fruits, plus avocados as snacks. Make a peanut butter and jam sandwich or a wrap sandwich with avocado, cut veggies, and lean meats or cheese for a night snack.

Top it off

Add additional calories to your foods by using cheese in casseroles, scrambling eggs, and fat-free dry milk in stews and soups.

Have an occasional treat

Even if you’re underweight, extra sugar or fat should be avoided. A piece of pie with ice cream occasionally is acceptable. However, most sweets must be nutritious in addition to caloric. Bran muffins, yoghurt, and granola bars are all excellent options.

No smoking

Avoid smoking, although if you do, think about quitting. Smokers often weigh lighter than nonsmokers, and stopping smoking frequently increases weight.

Sum Up

Making it a routine to exercise daily assists you acquire weight quickly and boosts your immune system. Keep in mind you work out properly and gradually increase the number of reps. Do not perform any strenuous weightlifting on the initial day.

We have summed up the Tips on how to gain weight so you can use the above recommendations to get better direction for exercises, yoga, or meditation. Also, bear in mind that good nourishment is essential. Eating a well-balanced diet is just as vital as exercising for weight growth.

Exercise, if paired with an adequate diet, may work miracles. Keep in mind that excellent achievements take patience. Therefore, be patient during your weight-gain adventure, and you will see a difference.

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